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Philippe Dufour, the master

Typically the idea of watchmaking conjures up an image of a white-haired man bent over a workbench, tinkering away. Philippe Dufour may fit that physical description, but we also discover in this film that our tinkerer has some unexpected and poignant surprises up his sleeve. Philippe Dufour, widely considered to be the world’s greatest living watchmaker, reveals the secrets of a lifetime spent making exquisite and complex timepieces. Revered for his process which has more in common with watchmakers from the last century, he works mostly alone and removed from the world in the isolated Vallée de Joux.


Maximilian Büsser, the alchemist

Max Büsser is a master-engineer who lives between the desert of Dubai and the mountains of Geneva. We learn of his lonely childhood and his great sadness around the combative and difficult relationship he had with his father. Max became a high-flying businessman but realised that his childhood dreams of living a creative life had been forsaken for material gain and status. All felt empty to him. Against any common sense, he gave it all up to make his own horological creations. He eventually found his way to making the most avant-garde conceptual timepieces of our era.


Brittany ‘Nico’ Cox, the philosopher

Brittany Nicole Cox is one of few female watchmakers in the world. She is an outlier in many ways, and has a unique perspective on the world of horology. As a child, she created an immersive collection of mechanical objects which sheltered her from the trauma of a mother with severe mental health issues. Brittany found solace from a very unstable home life in the world of predictable devices and machines. While studying philosophy at university she became fascinated by 17th century craftsmen who built automata to explore philosophical questions about the nature of existence and God.


Ludovic Ballouard, the dreamer

Ludovic Ballouard is a man of rare profundity and ingenuity, is based in Geneva. His dramatic story unfolds to reveal both the concept of his extraordinary watch and the philosophy by which he lives, both beautifully intertwined. We learn of his great love with his first wife Eveline and her devastating cancer diagnosis. These early days with Eveline come to life through archives, photos and reconstructions. This experience propelled him into creating his first independent movement, the Upside Down watch, as an homage to living in the present moment.


Aldis Hodge, the outsider

We open with the charismatic and indomitable Hollywood actor Aldis Hodge. Recently starring in One Night in Miami, City on The Hill, Clemency, The Invisible Man, and Hawkman in the DC epic, Black Adam. An incredible achievement in itself, Aldis has also set himself the mind-boggling ambition of becoming one of the finest watchmakers in the world. It’s an impossibly difficult task, even for someone born into the watchmaking world, which Aldis most definitely was not. Can he do it? And why, as a wildly successful actor, does he even want to do it?